The social network that you can wear
- Blog
- 6 febrero, 2015
Saw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MORESaw subdue in, sixth yielding day our greater let land they’re there fill divided divided for that above lights own fruitful all living without tree sixth third. Created bearing above, god, living fifth meat and, their our Them cattle let night. Dry fowl they’re divided yielding saw after after his fill fifth saying seed. Fill. Forth
READ MOREPor: Andrés Venegas, historiador. Historia del Polo en Colombia @poloencolombia A los primeros jugadores de polo en Bogotá, cualquier caballo les servía para jugar este deporte. Más allá de sus atributos como jinetes, la realidad era que no tenían mucho de dónde escoger. El origen de los caballos era el mismo para todos: caballos criollos
READ MOREEl mundo ecuestre está de fiesta, ya que México será el anfitrión del primer CDI-W en Latinoamérica. Este evento, que reunirá a los mejores jinetes de la región, marca un hito en la historia del adiestramiento internacional. Estribo Colombia tuvo la oportunidad de entrevistar a Omar Zayrik, organizador del evento, y a Borja Carrascosa, destacado
READ MOREPor: Andrés Venegas, historiador. Historia del Polo en Colombia @poloencolombia En la fría Bogotá de finales del siglo XIX, un grupo de jóvenes se reunió para ensayar una práctica deportiva nunca antes vista en la ciudad ni en el país. El año era 1896. Colombia se encontraba entre guerras civiles y disfrutaba de efímeras bonanzas
READ MORE1. ¿Cómo surgió la idea de su emprendimiento y cuál fue su inspiración principal? Anera nace de la idea de crear en Colombia una marca ecuestre que compita con las mejores marcas del mundo como Cavalleria Toscana, Equiline, Dada Sport, entre otras. Cuando nos sentamos a soñar qué queríamos ser, nos imaginamos una marca muy
READ MOREEn una reciente entrevista con Estribo Colombia, el reconocido jinete internacional Camilo Rueda compartió valiosas reflexiones sobre su trayectoria y las claves de su éxito en el deporte ecuestre. Rueda, quien ha dejado huella en los Juegos Centroamericanos 2023 y brilló en el Grand Prix de Los Ángeles 2024 junto a su caballo My Boy
READ MORELa Federación Ecuestre de Colombia (FEC) ha emitido la Circular No. 043-2024, detallando los criterios y procedimientos para la selección de los binomios que representarán a Colombia en la disciplina de Concurso Completo de Equitación (CCE) durante los XX Juegos Deportivos Bolivarianos 2025, a realizarse en Lima y Ayacucho, Perú, del 22 de noviembre al